Purchasing Events
UBi allows content creators and influencers to host free and/or paid events. UBi is the first web3 platform to bring more options for creators to expand their network. How?
The creators manually add events on their profile. Once their profile is trending on the feed page, users can click on the profile and check out events they are hosting.
The user can purchase the event and pay via built in UBi wallet, the amount of UBi token is withdrawn from the wallet as soon as user confirms transaction on the blockchain.
If however, the event is canceled the transaction is automatically canceled and the amount withdrawn is deposited back into the wallet.
The user can be any part of the world, events can be shared anywhere in the world.
Adding more options for creators:
Share and invite outside the UBi network via web2 social platforms.
Users can download dApp via web2 social platforms.
Last updated